Gustavo Ferrada is a company dedicated to the commercialisation and export of fruit and vegetables on the national and international market. Gustavo Ferrada is located in the coastal town of Burriana, in Castellón, a town with a long tradition in the production and export of citrus fruit, thanks to its unbeatable geographical location and climate.

Gustavo Ferrada is a company dedicated to the commercialisation and export of fruit and vegetables on the national and international market. Gustavo Ferrada is located in the coastal town of Burriana, in Castellón, a town with a long tradition in the production and export of citrus fruit, thanks to its unbeatable geographical location and climate.


We market and export fruit and vegetables under our brands Gustavo and Citriana, or under our customers' brands. The more than 100 million kg of citrus fruit that we sell annually guarantee the quality and good service of our company. Gustavo Ferrada, is possible thanks to the highest level team, trained, prepared and committed to the company.

We market and export fruit and vegetables under our brands Gustavo and Citriana, or under our customers' brands. The more than 100 million kg of citrus fruit that we sell annually guarantee the quality and good service of our company. Gustavo Ferrada, is possible thanks to the highest level team, trained, prepared and committed to the company.

gustavo ferrada citricos gfunion uai

Citrus fruit


Okitsu · Clausellina · Owari


Oronul · Clemenules · Hernandinas


Clemenvilla · Fortuna · Nadarcott · Ortanique · Orri


Navelina · Salustiana · Navel · Navelate · Lane late · Valencia late


Primofiori · Verna

frutas gustavo ferrada gfunion fresas uai





Valenciana · Mollar · Wonderful

Stone fruit

Melocotón · Nectarina · Ciruela · Paraguayo

Pome fruit

Manzana · Pera


Amarillo · Cantaloup

verduras gfunion gustavo ferrada grupo uai


Coliflor · Berenjena

Lechuga Iceberg

Ajos tiernos

Tomate · Remolacha

Cebollas · Pepino





We strive every day to offer citrus fruit supplies throughout the 12 months of the year. We make different customised packages for each customer. Citrus fruits represent 80% of our business, backed by extensive experience.

We strive every day to offer citrus fruit supplies throughout the 12 months of the year. We make different customised packages for each customer. Citrus fruits represent 80% of our business, backed by extensive experience.

Gustavo Ferrada · Gufresco · RapidFresh ·